
Your Global Solution

Why INI?

"As a network, INI differentiates itself through its level of expertise and large number of partners. INI Partners are leading commercial and industrial insurers who are major players in their own markets. They all possess the capacity, infrastructure and resources in order to offer fully compliant and seamless solutions. The partners within the network are active in the business fields of property, liability, engineering and marine cargo insurances. All services in INI follow the Network contractual obligations including central decision making, comprehensive risk engineering, loss prevention services and risk improvement recommendations.
Because the partners are located across all continents, you can feel confident that you are personally dealing with local experts in every country. And, no matter where you are in the world, we provide brokers and their clients with instant access to INIlive, a streamlined digital platform that makes it easier than ever to manage your global insurance programmes. You can gain access to the policy issuance, claims settlement and premium payment statuses, policy summaries and translations.”

André Rohlmann
General Manager INI

150+ Countries


€600M+ Gross Written Premiums


3.800+ Programmes